
Tag: paleontology

Kind of love this. “THE WORST ALPHABET BOOK EVER!” Also, pterodactyl on the front cover!

“P for Pterodactyl was written by Raj Haldar, also known as Lushlife, and Chris Carpenter, with illustrations by Maria Beddia. The color illustrations help demonstrate the context of each word, while clever sentences filled with alliteration make for a fun read. For instance, “The gnome yells, ‘Waiter! There’s a bright white gnat nibbling on my gnocchi!,’ ” accompanies “G is for Gnocchi.””

(By Raj Haldar, Chris Carpenter, and Maria Beddia, link to book, and via My Modern Met)

When a dinosaur is left hanging.


By Mr. Lovenstein

Whoa… It is what it is: Dinosaur rolling pin.




By ValekRollingPins ,via Thinx

When you’re upset, think of a T. Rex making a bed…


Via everywhere on the internet…

Dinosaurs made from light, by Darren Pearson



By Darren Pearson, via Colossal

YES! The dinosaur beard. #awesome


From Reddit, via Not Exactly Rocket Science

3D dinosaur gingerbread cookies #awesome

Available for purchase (in 4 different species) from suck.uk.com.

Extinction typography #beautiful

Check out this album cover for the Finnish band Burning Hearts. Note how the creatures (all extinct) spell out the name of the album, “Extinctions”.

By Emil Bertell and Kea Bertell, via NotCot.org.

How to eat a Triceratops: A visual guide

As Fowler and his colleagues examined the various types of bite mark on the skulls, they were intrigued by the extensive puncture and pull marks on the neck frills on some of the specimens. At first, this seemed to make no sense. “The frill would have been mostly bone and keratin,” says Fowler. “Not much to eat there.” The pulling action and the presence of deep parallel grooves led the team to realise that these marks were probably not indicative of actual eating, but repositioning of the prey. The scientists suggest that the frills were in the way of Tyrannosaurus as it was trying to get at the nutrient-rich neck muscles.





Article by Matt Kaplan in Nature. Research via Denver Fowler (and colleagues) at the Museum of the Rockies in Bozeman, Montana.

The reason why fine art and Pterodactyls don’t mix well.

By Benjamin Dewey.

Circuit board fossils by Peter McFarlane.

By Peter McFarlane, via Colossal.

And this is what dinosaur sex looks like…

Not sure who the illustrator is, but it is someone who collaborated with Beverly Halstead. Via The Daily.

Earliest Human Relatives by Hiroshi Sugimoto. Dioramas photographed a certain way suddenly look very very real.

“Upon first arriving in New York in 1974, I did the tourist thing. Eventually I visited the Natural History Museum, where I made a curious discovery: the stuffed animals positioned before painted backdrops looked utterly fake, yet by taking a quick peek with one eye closed, all perspective vanished, and suddenly they looked very real. I’d found a way to see the world as a camera does. However fake the subject, once photographed, it’s as good as real.

By Hiroshi Sugimoto.

Cloning dinosaurs is bad for the kids.

Although it looks lovely as an illustration.

By Brandon James Scott.

When dinosaurs adapt (or maybe more of a Voltron dinosaur thing). Either way, it’s awesome.

I love this picture. I also have it as an art card from Carded!

By Tony Cliff, via drawn.ca

Witty science inspired graphic design by Christopher David Ryan

You could easily lose yourself in his wonderful website. Here’s a sampling.

By Christopher David Ryan.

Did Jesus ride on a dinosaur?

Apparently, yes (if you take this page from a Bible Colouring Book to heart)*

*Also possibly a spoof – since I can’t find an original source for this (it’s basically all over the web).

Superman versus the Last Moa on Earth!

Not sure about the “flapping feet so fast it can fly bit,” but awesome nevertheless…

By Cary Bates, Curt Swan, and Frank Giacoia, found via boingboing.net.

I have no explanation for this, except to say that it is awesome.

Photograph by Arthur Pollock. Also see newspaper clipping here.

This is brilliant! A VW bug remixed as a stegosaurus.

Awesome photo by Mark Massey, via thisiscolossal.